Car Transponder Keys
Transponder keys are widely used by modern cars, or cars made after 1995 to add additional security to the car. The chip gives off a signal that communicates with your car's transceiver to make sure that only the right key would make the car work.
Having more than one transponder keys is a good idea and practice since transponder key replacements are exceptionally costly. There are times when a car dealer would dishearten an owner in getting a transponder chip to an auto locksmith, and would say that they are the only one who can provide transponder, which is not true at all. Replacement of transponder chip keys made by auto locksmiths are generally cheaper than the local auto dealership. Automotive locksmiths usually have the equipment and expertise to accomplish the process of cutting and programming a transponder key. Auto locksmith companies are also available 24/7 to cut and program your transponder chip key. Always keep in mind that replacing your transponder chip car key for your car is not as simple as getting a new key cut to work with your ignition. Transponder replacement will require you to purchase the special chip to be added to your key and program it so your car would recognize it. Do not hesitate to contact an experienced locksmith if you bump into a transponder key troubles. We can either meet you wherever you are and create your transponder key on the spot. Alternatively, you can drop by our shop and have your car key replaced or copied. Dial our number and our friendly phone staff will answer your call and and provide you information about your inquiries.